174-192 William Street, Northbridge
Perth, Western Australia 6000

Black Swan State Theatre Company presents

The Damned
By Reg Cribb

World Premiere!
14 – 30 October 2011

250 kilometres apart, two 16 year-old girls walk into two police stations to make a confession. A confession of a crime so unimaginable that the full extent of what they are saying only slowly dawns on the police. And in their hometown, nothing will ever be the same again. What drives two teenage girls to commit a crime that has shaken their home town to the core and shocked the entire country?

Exploring the rural subculture of drugs, alcohol and the alienation of today’s youth, Reg Cribb weaves a disquieting tale of crime and inhumanity.

Reg Cribb has twice won the Patrick White Playwrights’ Award and the W.A Premier’s Literary Award, and has also won the Queensland Premier’s Literary Award. He adapted the play Bran Nue Dae for the highly successful feature film released in 2009.

“Two years ago, Reg Cribb and Andrew Lewis approached me, wanting to create a work about youth alienation in Western Australia. I was struck by their passion and immediately placed Reg under commission. The Damned is the result. I think you will be staggered by the subject matter and by Reg’s searingly insightful writing.” Kate Cherry

Venue: Studio Underground, State Theatre Centre of WA
Duration: Approx. 2 hrs 20 min [incl. interval]
Featuring: Wade Briggs, Sage Douglas, Claire Lovering, Polly Low, Greg McNeill, Amanda Woodhams
Director: Andrew Lewis

Warning: Frequent coarse language, implied drug use and adult themes.

Bookings: BOCS Ticketing, ph (08) 9484 1133, Groups 8+ ph (08) 9321 6831

The Damned is a work of fiction and neither the author, Black Swan State Theatre Company nor its sponsors assert that any events actually occurred or that any character is, or embodies, any one or more persons, either living or dead.

Official Website: http://www.bsstc.com.au/the-main-house-playlist/the-damned-by-reg-cribb/

Added by shonasaxton on September 26, 2011