1260 7th Street
Oakland, California 94607

Metal Inert Gas welding (a.k.a. wire-feed welding) falls between arc and TIG in the welding spectrum. Quieter and cleaner than arc, and some say easier, MIG welding is typically used in production fabrication such as furniture making, light construction and auto restoration. You?l learn the basics of MIG welding, as well as plasma cutting and other fabrication processes. A knowledge of arc welding is handy, but beginners are welcome!
For registration on line www.thecrucible.org
Email: info@thecrucible.org
Phone: 510-444-0919
Saturday & Sunday 10am-6pm
May 27-May 28
2 sessions
Faculty: Welding Faculty

Official Website: http://www.thecrucible.org

Added by thecrucible on May 17, 2006

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