1260 7th Street
Oakland, California 94607

Create beautiful glass ornaments, globes, perfume bottles, pendants, tube beads, marbles, and more! In flameworking, you’ll use an oxy-propane torch to melt glass so that you can shape it. This class will introduce you to the tools, equipment, and fundamentals of flameworking, and will cover a variety of techniques including color pulling and applying, color pattern application, cane-making, frit application, and marble making. __Entry-Level Class__Cost: $340.00 (Tuition: $250.00, Materials: $90.00), Members: $315.00 _Class size: 8 _
Saturday & Sunday 10-6pm _
Mar 3-Mar 4 _2 sessions _

Glass Flameworking (5 sessions) _
Class size: 8 _
Mondays 6-10pm
Mar 5-Apr 2 _
_or _
Wednesdays 6-10pm _
Mar 7-Apr 4

Glass Beads __
Learn how to make colorful glass beads from Effettre glass rods (a soft glass), using an oxy-propane torch. This class will teach you how to make a variety of bead shapes, to form and alter surface patterns, and to make stringers and twisters. __Entry-Level Class__Cost: $270.00 (Tuition: $220.00, Materials: $50.00), Members: $248.00 __
Class size: 8 _
Saturday & Sunday 12-6pm _
Mar 10-Mar 11 _2 sessions _
Faculty: April Zilber _
For registration on line go: _
http://store.thecrucible.org/index.php?cPath=1_7&osCsid=8f349dabbc5c778e52177f8994061b81 www.thecrucible.org _
The Crucible • 1260 7th Street • Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: 510-444-0919

Official Website: http://www.thecrucible.org

Added by thecrucible on June 8, 2006

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