1260 7th Street
Oakland, California 94607

Continue the ancient tradition of hammer-formed work, using the most fundamental of tools: the hammer. This class will focus on the many techniques of hammer-forming, including raising and chasing a vessel out of a flat sheet of metal. Learn to make the most out of this essential tool, and use nonferrous materials to deepen your knowledge and inform your artistic vision in this advanced class!__second 5 weeks__Cost: $370.00 (Tuition: $300.00, Materials: $70.00) _Class size: 8 _
Thursdays 7-10pm _
Mar 8-Apr 5 _5 sessions _
Faculty: Rebecca Zemans, Marshall Dalva _
For registration on line go: _
Phone: 510-444-0919

Official Website: http://www.thecrucible.org

Added by thecrucible on July 5, 2006