1260 7th Street
Oakland, California 94607

This class is a great way to start working in bronze. You’ll create a wax sculpture, using hot and cold wax-working techniques, from building hollow or solid sculptures in wax to applying textures and surface detail. You’ll dip your wax sculpture in ceramic shell, and finally you’ll cast your piece in bronze or aluminum. Metal chasing and finishing will be explained. There will be an additional price per pound for wax, shell, and metal. Pour will be on Saturday, November 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. __Entry-level class.There will be an additional price per pound for wax, shell and metal. Pour will be on Saturday 03/24/07, 10am to 6pm. Continuing students welcome.__
Cost: $420.00 (Tuition: $360.00, Materials: $60.00)__
Studio Access Lab Recommended
Class size: 12
Mondays & a Saturday 7-10pm
Jan 29-Apr 2
11 sessions
Faculty: Alex Smith

For registration on line go

Sand Casting in Bronze & Aluminum

Turn your creations into cast metal! Working with resin-bonded sand, you’ll learn the basics as you build your own molds. As part of a casting team you’ll have the exhilarating experience of pouring liquid bronze and aluminum at high temperatures. After your casting cools, you’ll open your mold to chase and finish your piece. Bring a found object or a sculpture that’s smaller than a breadbox. The sculpture can be made of wax, clay, foam, or wood. There will be an additional price per pound for sand and metal.
Entry-level class.
Cost: $440.00 (Tuition: $380.00, Materials: $60.00)
Class size: 12
Tuesdays 7-10pm
Jan 30-Apr 3
10 sessions
Faculty: Joey Gottbrath

For registration on line go

Phone: 510-444-0919

Official Website: http://www.thecrucible.org

Added by thecrucible on July 6, 2006