The Creative Method is a way to push past your default ideas — the same ideas that you always have, the ideas that are just good enough. Learn how to create quantity, then pick and organize the great ones. Learn how to reach into the outlying areas of your mind through innovative brainstorming techniques. Learn how to routinely capture your own thoughts, becoming better and faster at new ideation. Learn how to judge and assess your ideas, how to improve on them, and how to focus them to solve a problem or meet an objective. The Creative Method and subsequent Systems will change the way you think about your own ideas.
Experience Level:
People should be able to think on their feet, feel comfortable voicing opinions in a group setting, and enjoy creating things. Pen and paper is needed. Laptops are useful but unnecessary.
Who this course is for:
This class is best suited for self-described creative people: Entrepreneurs, Writers, Artists, Designers, Musicians, Art Directors, (even Creative Directors) who want to learn new ways of generating ideas.
Course Outline
1. Living a Creative Life: How to Capture, Catalogue, and Review your ideas as they come.
2. The Creative Method: How to Blowup an Idea and Put the Right Pieces Where You Need Them
3. Ideation Systems: Learn Original Brainstorming Techniques such as The Law of 1%, 10 in 10, Darkroom, The Looking Glass, Misassociationalism, Asynchronous Orbits, and others
4. Creative Success Meter: Learn an Experimental Technique for Predicting an Idea's Success in the Real World
Added by jted on March 2, 2009