7180 New Perry Highway
Erie, Pennsylvania 16508

This is the official announcement and invitation to the next open circle event hosted by the covenant of Brighid's Haven. Our next event will be our open circle for Yule/Winter Solstice on Wednesday, December 19th, doors open at 7pm, Pagan Broom Closet Sale before and after the rite, potluck feast to follow.

Please join us as we welcome the winter solstice season with stories and games and celebration of joy and the returning light! Our famous potluck feast will follow, so please bring a dish to pass, and please note that a $3.00 donation is requested to help cover the cost of renting the space.

Cloaks cluttering your closet? Magickal books falling off your shelves? Too many trappings to track? Welcome to the Pagan Broom Closet Sale! Let us help you get rid of those unneeded Pagan and related items. To participate email Margo at: margo@velocity.net. Give her an idea of the amount of space you will need. Clearly mark a price on each item. All items must be clean and in good condition. Bring your items to yule Wednesday December 19th between the hours of 5-7 PM for set-up. The rest we will take care of: selling,making change, tracking your items, etc. You can pick up your cash (minus 3.00 donation) and any left-over items after the feast. Heeter's Haven will also be on hand with fine wares available for purchase.

What: Open Circle for Yule & Pagan Broom Closet Sale
When: Wednesday, December 19th
What time: Doors open at 7, earlier for Sale Set up
Where: Erie UU Church, 7180 Perry Highway
What to Wear: Darker colors or your Yuletide best!
What to bring: Dish for the potluck feast, Broom Closet sale items if you wish to sell, and cash for that last minute shopping. You might find just what you've been looking for!

Questions can reach us at brighidshaven@yahoo.com

Hope to see you there!



For those who like to plan ahead, our next three events, following this event, will be as follows:

Open circle for Imbolc: 1/30/08
Storytelling Circle: 2/23/08
Open circle for Ostara: 3/19/08

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of EriePAGuy.

Added by EriePAGuy on December 1, 2007

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