The conference--the first annual gathering of the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education--will focus on initiatives of contemplative pedagogy that are taking place in classrooms and institutions of higher education and explore the special role that contemplative practices can play in cultivating those capacities of attention, equanimity, wisdom and compassion that are central to the lives of students and educators.
Through contributed papers, poster sessions, and artistic presentations, as well as in plenary talks and contemplative practice sessions, there will be a wide representation of the ways contemplation can serve higher education.
Attendance is restricted to Association Members. New members may join at the conference attendance rate of $50 for a one-year regular/full-time faculty membership or $25 for a one-year graduate student/part-time/retired membership.
For more information about the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education, please visit
Official Website:
Added by contmind on March 30, 2009