728 Main Street in Chinatown (between Union and Georgia)
Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 2V7

$60. Please pre-register by contacting radha@telus.net or 604-605-0011. Maximum 12 participants.

The Conscious Table is a silent, 5 course vegan organic meal offered as a guided meditation. The experience allows you to reconnect with your inner voice at the table and to explore nourishment as a celebration of the senses. Participants help with some hands-on preparation of the main course. The Conscious Table concludes with an opportunity to share and integrate the experience.

"It was an amazing journey of tastes that I will never forget. It's veganism gone wild, using every flavor that nature intended us to experience, all in one delicious silent meal." Earthsave newsletter.

Official Website: http://radhavancouver.org

Added by swamila on January 11, 2007

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