Three Actors, Thirty-Seven Plays, Ninety-Seven Minutes (Give Or Take)
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)
A Comedy Directed by Jim Dailey
Featuring the talents of Stephen Banks, Zip Rampy and Thomas L. Strickland
We're bringing back the meaning of the word "PLAY" in this madcap North Fulton Drama Club/Off Broadway Professional Company production.
Here's what people are saying:
Stephen Banks: "Hey, I'm in this show!"
Thomas Strickland: "Was that you?"
Zip Rampy: "Guys, maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
Kudzu Playhouse in Roswell
January 23-24, 30-31.
Friday, Saturday evening (8pm), two weekends.
Official Website:
Added by North Fulton Drama Club on January 7, 2009