Nick Bicanic, CEO and Founder, echoecho
Brendon Lynch, Chief Privacy Officer, Microsoft
Nicole Ozer, Technology and Civil Liberties Policy Director, ACLU of Northern California
Paul Schwartz, Faculty Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, UC Berkeley
Moderator: Jules Polonetsky, Co-chair and Director, Future of Privacy Forum
There is a growing tension between economic opportunities to mine the ever-increasing amounts of data available online vs. consumer and regulator desire for strong privacy protections. This distinguished roundtable will explore the ins and outs of this complex topic, including how people are shaping not only their own online personas, but also the personas of friends, relatives and even total strangers; sophisticated technologies that companies and governments are using to get to know people online; options for individuals who want to control what is collected about them and how it is used; the potential for industry to leverage the growing wealth of available data, while striking the right balance between innovation and regulation.
A wide range of perspectives will be represented on the panel, with senior thought leaders from Echoecho Media, Microsoft, ACLU of Northern California, UC Berkeley, and Future of Privacy Forum. This program is presented in observation of Data Privacy Day, which was created to build awareness about privacy issues and help people navigate them.
SPONSOR: Microsoft
REGISTRATION/ Reception: 05:30 PM | Dinner: 6:00 PM | Program: 7:00 PM
PRICE: Member $67 | Nonmember: $92
EVENT URL: http://transition.churchillclub.org/eventDetail.jsp?EVT_ID=931
Official Website: http://transition.churchillclub.org/eventDetail.jsp?EVT_ID=931
Added by FullCalendar on January 4, 2012