The CMO CLUB, a grassroots group of Heads of Marketing will meet (80-100 CMOs expected) for two days to network, share ideas, and help each other be better CMOs. All sessions are lead by CMOs in a content for conversation vs. content for presentation format of working through key issues including: 1) Leading high performance marketing teams, 2) Driving marketing success leveraging new media and digital marketing tools, and 3) Leading as an officer in your company for business wide change. CMOs confirmed to lead sessions include Kim Feil - Walgreens, Jeff Casewell - Danone (Evian), Phil Clement - AON, Leo Tokar Kaiser Permanente, Mitch Bishop - iRise, Adriana Rizzo - VP at ESPN, and Ken Derrett - San Diego Chargers. The club has grown to over 800 heads of marketing with dinners in 12 cities, and a CMOs only site at
Official Website:
Added by cmoclub on November 23, 2008