The Clampitt Family members have included: Erik Clampitt, Nathan Murphy, Marley Gaddis, Abby Downs, Matthew Stark, D Rives Curtright, Lucas Jones, Amy Sabin, Sean "Buck" Burke, Justin Auld, Josh Cole, Rachel Gold, Kati Claborn, Linnea Spitzer, Phill Saylor Wisor, and Curtis Alsobrook
what: Power of County, the Clampitt Family, Emily Eveleen
when: Jun 29, 2007, 9:30 PM :
where: Jambalaya, 915 H St, Arcata CA 95521 :
cost: $5.00 :
links: : :
Event submitted by on behalf of humcity.
Added by Humboldt on June 27, 2007