32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Keynote Speaker:
Sam Navarro, Managing Director, Health Care Investment Banking, Cowen & Co., LLC

Richard B. Smith, Partner, Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP

Gerald I. Brecher, Co-founder, President & C.E.O.

Panel Members and Their Topics:
Daniel Cole, General Partner, Spray Venture Partners
John Lamb, Director, PRTM Management Consultants
-Supply Chain
Mark Speers, Managing Partner, Health Advances

The Keynote
The prevailing business model for small to mid-sized med tech companies has been to build value to the point where an industry leader would make an offer of acquisition. Up until now, industry leaders built themselves up through a series of small and mid-sized acquisitions.

Boston Scientific's very public battle with J&J for Guidant changed all that. Or did it? BosSci's $27 billion victory dwarfs all other med tech deals to date. But does this acquisition signal a fundamental shift in the strategy of the industry leaders? How much a shift affect the prospects of small to mid-sized med tech companies? Sam Navarro will share his industry expertise with us.

The Case
Can a med tech start-up compete with the big guns? SuturTek Incorporated, a local venture-backed med tech company is intent on doing just that.

SuturTek is faced with a number of classic challenges:

-Build an effective sales force to jumpstart the product in the marketplace and transform growing surgeon enthusiasm into sales
-Develop reliable, cost-efficient manufacturing to satisfy building demand
Attract sufficient financing at a favorable valuation to allow the company to build a self-sustaining revenue stream

-Develop effective exit strategies in the changing med tech environment

Our panel of industry experts will discuss these and other issues facing SuturTek on the road to success.
Students Free, Forum Members: $20, Non-Members: $30.
Website: http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/may06.html
Email: rbutler@mit.edu
Phone: 617-253-8240
About MIT Enterprise Forum Of Cambridge:
The MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge is a volunteer, non-profit organization based at MIT whose mission is to promote and strengthen the process of starting and growing innovative and technology-oriented companies by providing services and programs that educate, inform, and support the entrepreneurial community.

Official Website: http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/may06.html%20

Added by FullCalendar on April 24, 2006

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