4000 Middlefield Road, Room H-1
Palo Alto, California 94105

The ALSJCC Henry Shenker Lecture Program proudly presents:

The Challenge of Nuclear Weapons
Speaker: Dr. Sidney Drell

Through the Cold War decades, the prospect of a nuclear holocaust was all too real. While the demise of the former Soviet Union has lessened that threat, today we face a grave new danger -- the acquisition of nuclear weapons by hostile or unstable governments and terrorists. What can and should we be doing to meet this challenge and prevent the world's most destructive weapons from falling into dangerous hands? Are there any reasons for us to still retain thousands of nuclear warheads in our arsenals? What are they for? Can we rekindle the bold vision of a world free of nuclear weapons that President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev brought to their remarkable summit meeting at Reykjavik 21 years ago, and define practical steps toward achieving such a goal? These are some of the critical questions Dr. Sidney Drell will address in his provocative talk at the ALSJCC on November 4. You can't afford to miss this free lecture!
Sidney D. Drell

Dr. Sidney Drell is a renowned physicist, and arms control specialist and technical advisor to the U.S. Government. A faculty member of Stanford University since 1956, Dr. Drell is currently Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford. Among Dr. Drell's many publications is the book "The Gravest Danger: Nuclear Weapons" with James E. Goodby.

Contact hstein@paloaltojcc.org for more details.


Official Website: http://www.paloaltojcc.org/index.php?src=events&srctype=profile&id=149940&category=Senior%20special%20events&search=sid%20drell

Added by FullCalendar on October 14, 2007

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