The Cat’s Pajamas
“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.”
George Bernard Shaw
The Cat's Pajamas is a monthly cabaret featuring spoken word, music, dance, and performance art acts that are an ode to the cultural aesthetics of the past. This October join us for "DiscoWarriors", an ode to 1970's recession New York. What does that mean you ask? Well think Afros, clown gangs in rollar skates, mohawks, men with bling, graffitti, and some kick ass down and dirty beats. We are going to be getting down with our punk selves and we want you to come and play even as the world is trashing down. The 70's most often make people think of leisure suits and key parties but in fact that decade was the most intense political evolution of the last century. Integration in schools, money for art programs, Sesame Street and the Electric Company, the women's rights movement, civil rights legislation, the emergence of hip hop and DIY music, CBGB's and raw, hard hitting political film. Whew! We will be taking all that into account and having fun at the same time, so get your disco swish on. After the show we will be having a dance party.
David Petrelli
Jocelyn Superstar
Double Dutch Devils
Andy Warthol
Charlie Getter
and more......
Official Website:
Added by spiderdance33 on October 16, 2009