Join the Brothers and Alumni of the Castle for the annual Spring Dinner.
The event will be held Saturday, April 4th, 2009, beginning at 6pm.
Cocktails, followed by buffet dinner and dessert, will be served.Speaking to the brotherhood will be Jerry Drew, Lecturer in Economic History. Dr. Drew will be sharing his insights on how the current economic climate compares to those in our nation's, and the world's, historical past.Additionally, Brother Frederick A. Tucker Jr., T'55, will be receiving the Henry B. Poor Award for Lifetime Service to the Castle. We congratulate Brother Tucker and look forward to having all alumni on hand to share in this celebration.Girlfriends, wives and children are, as always, welcome and encouraged to attend.
For those brothers wishing to take a more active role in fraternity governance, there will be a meeting of the Psi Upsilon Board of Trustees immediately preceding the dinner, at 5pm.
For more information, please contact Matt Carter, President of the Alumni Trustees.
His email address:
(Remove the [] symbols.)
Organized by The Castle
Ticket Info: - Ticket to Dinner, $25.99
- Let me make a donation, since I can't come to dinner, Free
- Ticket to Dinner + Annual Dues for Psi U of Philadelphia, $66.62
Official Website: http://castlespringdinner-upcoming.eventbrite.com