1601 Pughtown Rd.
East Pikeland Twp, Pennsylvania 19442

Join us for the Camphill Challenge: Sunday, October 17, 2010.

On Sunday, October 17 join us for the Camphill Challenge: a splendid bike ride during peak autumn foliage that supports the children, youth, and adults of the Camphill Communities in Pennsylvania. Proceeds benefit Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Camphill Special School, and Camphill Soltane.

The event features a 50-mile route for avid cyclists, a moderately challenging 35-mile route suitable for most ability levels and a 10-mile family ride suitable for children and beginner riders. You will pedal through Camphill Special School’s Children’s Village at Beaver Run and Transition Program at Beaver Farm and Camphill Soltane; the ride begins and ends at Camphill Village Kimberton Hills.
Rider Amenities include: water stations stocked with beverages and snacks (restrooms available), T-shirt with paid registration, picnic lunch and musical entertainment.

Sponsorships are available and volunteers are needed. For more information on sponsorships, riding or volunteering, please contact Bernadette Kovaleski at 610-935-0300, ext. 12 or bernadette@camphillkimberton.org.

Official Website: http://www.camphillkimberton.org

Added by Phoenixville Fun on August 11, 2010

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