The Caferati at Prithvi Each Open Mic session will have 25 slots of up to 3 minutes each. A bell will ring-or a buzzer will, well, buzz-at the end of the 3-minute period and the participant must leave the stage. Each Open Mic will, hopefully, begin with one well-known city poet who will bless the mike with a short reading or performance. This special guest may choose to offer brief comments on the days performances at the end of the session. Occasionally, we will feature special guests in longer time slots. You are invited to recite, declaim, sing, dance, perform in any way you like, 2 minutes of your own writing. The Rules:. Participants must perform only their own writing. Only solo or duo performances; no groups please. You get the use of a microphone, and three minutes. No other arrangements will be made for your performance. You can recite, declaim, shout, or sing; you can sit, stand or lie down; you can dance, turn cartwheels, play a musical instrument, or scratch your back while standing on your head, as long as you perform your words. Genres: No restriction. Poetry, monologues, stories, songs, its all good. Prohibited: Foul language, explicit sexual imagery, slander, anything that flouts the laws of India. Dress code: No nudity. Yes, you can use costumes, make-up, wigs if you like. Sign up at the Prithvi box office. You must be physically present at the venue at least 30 minutes before start time to be eligible. There are no prizes, except the opportunity to perform to an audience, and earn its acclaim. You will not be reimbursed expenses, and will not be paid any fee or honorarium. You retain ownership of your work, but by submitting it, you give the Prithvi Theatre and Caferati the right to display your work, or photographs or recordings of your performance, at the Prithvi Theatre Cafe, and on their websites, should they so choose, with attribution to you, but with no payment.
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Added by buzzintown india on June 8, 2009