The Buttonwood Gathering draws on the popular weekly financial column and blog in The Economist. Bringing together global regulators and bankers to discuss and debate new ideas and develop a new set of guidelines moving forward, the event will go beyond typical financial industry events by seeking to bridge financial issues with macroeconomic and geopolitical issues.
* Questions and answers: A conversation with US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner
* Bagehot lecture by Lawrence Summers: US government financial sector plans and outlook for the economy
* Special broadcast of CNBC's Maria Bartiromo's signature programme, Closing Bell, live from the event
* Town hall discussion moderated by John Micklethwait featuring Elizabeth Warren, Deven Sharma and others
* Exclusive cocktail reception on the New York Stock Exchange trading floor followed by dinner in the historic Luncheon Room
Speakers include:
*Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, US Department of the Treasury
*Lawrence Summers, The White House
*Henrique de Campos Meirelles, Central Bank of Brazil
*Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University
*Sheila Bair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
*Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley Asia
*George Soros, Soros Fund Management
*Elizabeth Warren, TARP Congressional Oversight Panel
Official Website:
Added by The Buttonwood Gathering on September 27, 2009