One Pace Plaza
New York, New York 10038

The Buttonwood Gathering draws on the popular weekly financial column and blog in The Economist. Bringing together global regulators and bankers to discuss and debate new ideas and develop a new set of guidelines moving forward, the event will go beyond typical financial industry events by seeking to bridge financial issues with macroeconomic and geopolitical issues.

* Questions and answers: A conversation with US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner
* Bagehot lecture by Lawrence Summers: US government financial sector plans and outlook for the economy
* Special broadcast of CNBC's Maria Bartiromo's signature programme, Closing Bell, live from the event
* Town hall discussion moderated by John Micklethwait featuring Elizabeth Warren, Deven Sharma and others
* Exclusive cocktail reception on the New York Stock Exchange trading floor followed by dinner in the historic Luncheon Room

Speakers include:
*Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, US Department of the Treasury
*Lawrence Summers, The White House
*Henrique de Campos Meirelles, Central Bank of Brazil
*Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University
*Sheila Bair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
*Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley Asia
*George Soros, Soros Fund Management
*Elizabeth Warren, TARP Congressional Oversight Panel

Official Website:

Added by The Buttonwood Gathering on September 27, 2009