We are currently registering students for our upcoming Business of Music class, scheduled to begin Nov 3. The class will run six weeks (through Dec. 8) and will meet on Mondays from 6-9 pm. This course is for performers, producers, managers, songwriters or anyone running or interested in running any company in the music recording industry,and is taught by an entertainment industry professional. Students will receive an overview of how the industry works, recording and producer contracts, performance right organizations and music publishing. Students will also learn what encompasses a "good deal" by reviewing royalties and advances, marketing and promotion, copyright, trademarks and digital rights management.
Tuition is $250, plus the cost of registration and textbook. An additional 10% Discount is available if registered by October 24. Registration is at Medgar Evers College Adult and Continuing Education Division, 1150 Carroll Street, Suite C-111, (between Rogers and Nostrand Avenues) Brooklyn, NY. The office is open Monday-Friday from 9-5pm. For more information contact ace.law@mec.cuny.edu or call 718-270-6400.
Official Website: http://www.mec.cuny.edu/spcd/ace
Added by Ace_Law on July 4, 2008