179 Main Street
Ashland, Massachusetts 01721

Friday ~ January 21, 2011 ~ 9:00 pm

The Bruce Marshall Group

Stone's Public House
179 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721
TEL: 508-881-1778

21+ Show ~ Good Food, Good Drink, No Cover

Facebook Event Page

Bruce Marshall won the 2011 Outstanding "Acoustic" Musician Readers Poll Award in "The Blues Audience" magazine. His photo appears on the magazine cover along with all the winners which include Outstanding Band: Roomful of Blues, Singer: Sugar Ray, Singer: Toni Lynn Washington,

Piano: David Maxwell, Harmonica: Sugar Ray, Bass: Marty Ballou, Drums: Marty Richards, Horn: Sax Gordon, and more... Photo:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1652806&l=5ec0c030cf&id=1543331460 ~ Bruce is very honored to be in such talented company. Thank you goes out to all the fans that voted for Bruce Marshall this year and for his same award in 2007! For more details see: http://www.bluesaudience.com/

You will find a streaming music player to listen to samples,
plus photographs, videos and much more on these web sites:

Bruce Marshall is Presented by
Richard Axtman ~ Northern Music
Management ~ Booking Agent ~ Promotions
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/northernmusicagency
Facebook 1: http://www.facebook.com/richard.axtman
Facebook 2: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001577514520

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=190259457654933

Added by Northern Music on January 1, 2011

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