Hello Edglings!
Stowe Boyd, the man behind /Message - http://www.stoweboyd.com/message/ is making the trip from California to visit us in Boston so let's come together and #BoydUp, shall we?
Come on out for a casual evening of fun on the rooftop deck at Rattlesnake (if raining or if you are too cold and whining, we will go to the upstairs bar instead).
Please let us know if you are coming out so we know how many of you edglings to expect ;)
See you on 9/18!
-Christine (official #BoydUp organizer)
Christine Major
Added by cmajor2 on September 7, 2009
Hey Everyone,
Stowe unfortunately cannot make it to Boston Friday night but still wants us to get together. Not being one to want to disappoint anyone, I said "okay" and hope you will all still join me at Rattlesnake for a drink or two!