Are you bored with your routine and want to get outside and add some variety to your workouts?
The Boot Camp by inSHAPE is a results-driven total body conditioning workout that utilizes a circuit training format, with innovative and challenging exercises that benefit any fitness level. Combining three elements: cardio, strength, and flexibility, this 50-minute workout will have you jumping rope, climbing stairs, working your abs and core, strengthening your legs, and toning your arms, all with the use of your own body weight as primary resistance (some light equipment is provided by your trainers). Join us for this exhilarating session, get outside, and have some fun!
Note: this rate is $5 off the retail price of $25, which is what you pay if you arrive at a class without pre-registering (cash or check only on site). However, you can also sign up for the 2009 Boot Camp All Access Pass and attend classes for less than $10 per session. Check out the details and sign up today.
Official Website:
Added by kimwatkins on June 11, 2009