When two brothers meet up w/ a couple of kindred spirits and former co-workers to explore some sounds, the results are questionable (like "don't ask us any questions"). Like a rolling river or an old pair of shoes, the sound is wet and slightly torn. It all started when we tried to blend an ELO song w/ some Dylan lyrics. Then a Carol King song followed by a Devo tune. Isnt' that what genre bending is all about? We countri-fi our rock and rock our prog. If the Band got into an arm-wrestling match w/ Blue-Oyster Cult, The Bluetortillas would watch. Our sound is obvious yet confusing. Genre-bending is a free form that requires filling out a few forms (for free). We wear our influences on our sleeve when we play a cover tune, and we do it often. Check out www.bluetortillas.com. Got Sonicwitchcraft?
Official Website: http://jeramisbarandgrill.com
Added by jeramis on September 1, 2007