Personable Business Intros & Info...a productive, comfortable and informative networking experience
Intros-the structured networking provides you opportunity to:
* meet amazing people up to mazing things in the world
* tell us about you, your business & what's important to you--uninterrupted
* make meaningful connections that lead to prospects, resources, support and referrals
Info-learn to elevate your professionalism, improve communication within a partnership approach:
This month's speaker is Kristy Rogers talking about The Biggest Follow Up Blunder That's Costing You Lots of Sales.
And the solution is super easy! What gets in your way when it comes time to follow up? Are you pretty good with make 1 attempt to reach the person? If you don't hear back, do you give up? Most people do. SInce following up is critical to making more sales, we'll explore better solutions to the 5 reasons most people don't initiate contact and give up too soon.
About Kristy Rogers
With almost 16 years of experience producing and facilitating monthy networking events, Kristy Rogers has great insight into how to best network and follow up. Kristy has won many sales awards and attributes her sales success to being masterful at follow up. When Kristy first started out, she would often hear, "You've Got to Follow Up" and wasn't quite sure what to do, say and when. She's figured it out and now makes it easy for you to create a system through her "How to Follow Up" tele-seminar.
We look forward to connecting with you.
Kristy Rogers(408-288-8484
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 11, 2012