On August 29th at 5 pm, the Union of African Communities in Pittsburgh presents its first Diversity/ Multicultural Event, in days leading to the G-20 summit on August 29th at Union Project. With the evolving globalization and diversity of our society, community members, leaders, policy makers, service providers, funders and the general public require an understanding of the varied ethnic and cultural populations that exist in this region.
The event will host representatives from over 20 African countries and other internationals living in Pittsburgh/Allegheny County, and welcomes all people and stakeholders of Pittsburgh/Allegheny County.Anticipated to speak at this event are; Candi Castleberry-Singleton Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer for UPMC, Robert Agbede President and CEO of Chester Engineers (largest African-American owned engineering consulting services firm of its kind in the United States), Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato, and representatives from the following; Mayor Luke Revanstahl, Senator Robert Casey Jr., Senator Arlen Specter among others.
The admission is free, while the donations are gratefully welcomed. Come join us to sample ethnic foods and drinks, see native/ cultural attires and crafts and also have a refreshing experience of multi-cultural dance performances.
Official Website: http://www.unionproject.org
Added by marketing.unionproject on August 5, 2009