THE BIG LEWBOWSKI, 1998, Universal, 117 min. Dir. Joel Coen. The Coen Brothers’ (NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN) paean to transcendent slackerdom is personified by Jeff Bridges as The Dude, aka Jeffrey Lebowski, who is victimized by thugs in a case of mistaken identity. When The Dude goes to his wealthy namesake (David Huddleston) to get restitution for a vandalized, urine-soaked rug, he is sucked into acting as paid liaison for the millionaire Lebowski and gangland mogul Jackie Treehorn (Ben Gazzara). After confiding in his bowling buddies Walter (John Goodman) and Theodore (Steve Buscemi), the two join him on a strange mission that takes them into uncharted territory – ransom money drops, beautiful, dangerous women (Julianne Moore, Tara Reid) and a crazy gang of German techno "Nihilists" (Peter Stormare, Flea, Torsten Voges). Look for John Turturro as Jésus, Bridges’ pederast bowling champion nemesis. An astounding cult of fans (spawning conventions and bowling festivals!) has developed around this bizarre and warmly funny spoof of Los Angeles detective sagas, updated to the 1990s. Come join us in celebrating the film’s 10th anniversary!
Official Website:
Added by rjmelville on March 20, 2008