The BIG Idea Party Event Singapore
Take your personal & professional life to the next level
In just one weekend!
If youre anything like me, you have a pile of great ideas about how to make more money and create wealth, thoughts that sometimes just wander around in your head Ideas that have great possibility but don't yet have direction or maybe clarity or maybe support...
Would you like to learn how to create wealth by
capitalizing on your IDEAS?
The challenge we often face is we get so busy being busy that we rarely step back to reflect on how we might make be more creative, and more productive. We can get so focused on making a living that we dont have a life. We end up working on our business rather than in our business.
What makes the BIG difference?
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between people with great ideas who become super-successful and wealthy, and those who live barely above the level of mediocrity? Think for a moment about the business leaders you most admire for their innovation. What are the principles of success they have adhered to in order to create their wealth?
Napoleon Hill clearly understood that the secret to becoming wealthy lies in harnessing the ideas of other people:
No individual may have great power without availing himself of the Master Mind.
This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly
Every great fortune.
Essentially, this Success Principle is the habit of tapping into the wealth of experience the experience of others. If youd like to find out how you can be part of a very unique Mastermind wealth building experience, keep reading
The BIG Idea Party Event Singapore is a special mastermind session focused on helping you capitalize on your best creative ideas in order to develop your business and increase wealth. Youll be shown new ways to:
Create Passive Streams of Income
Raise Investment Capital
Start A New Company
Increase Your Existing Business
Develop Your Own Mastermind Team
Purchase Investment Properties
Profit on E-bay
Develop Successful Joint Ventures
Were bringing in World-Class Professional Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Author, and Founder of The Idea Party Events Company, Darren Jacklin, to facilitate this accelerated learning process.
Darren has worked with personnel from more than 130 Fortune 500 companies, including: Microsoft and AT&T. He is passionate about helping others discover their creative brilliance. Youll almost certainly see savings of thousands of dollars thanks to Darrens advice and insights.
In addition to your own ideas, youll tap into the power of other peoples in the room. This is high-level thinking with other like-minded entrepreneurs, and youll gain from the experience and insights of others.
What specifically will you gain from attending The BIG Idea Party Event Singapore?
A clear understanding of the types of ideas that are best when it comes to creating long-term wealth. After this seminar, youll be even more effective at quickly evaluating ideas and determining which are worth pursing, and which are not! Youll learn how to take your best ideas and turn them into cash.
How to Attract Wealth. There are certain things you must do in order have exceptional opportunities present themselves to you. These are habits of success, patterns of thinking that almost every self-made wealthy person adheres to. One habit of the wealthy is to surround themselves with other successful people like the people youll meet at The BIG Idea Party Event Singapore.
How to avoid the most common entrepreneurial mistakes when developing a business idea or project. Youll learn how to Promote Smart and how to turn obstacles into opportunities.
Some little-known secret ways to buy or rent services that will give you leverage, and how to get other people to work for you and have it be successful!
Bottom line, final thoughts
If you are serious about developing an idea you have, or creating more leverage for your business, or increasing your current business profits, then we know that youll find the information that Darren Jacklin will share to be highly valuable. Register now and be ready to learn how to protect yourself, shorten your learning curve, realistically assess your ideas, and maximize whatever profits may be possible for you.
WHERE: Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
WHEN: Friday, May 29, 2009
Registration: 6:00pm - 6:45pm
Event start/end time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Doors open: 8:30am
Event start/end time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Working lunch included
Social Networking Party!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Doors open: 6:30pm
Party start/end time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Doors open: 8:30am
Event start/end time: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Working lunch included
Register Now!
Or: Call one of our Client Care Services Team Specialists in San Francisco, California U.S.A.at The Idea Party Events Company:001.415.592.0356 Office1.888.423.5932 Toll-Free within North America
Advanced Regular Tuition (before May 1, 09) $495.00 USD p/p
Platinum Level Guests (before May 1, 09): $795.00 USD p/p
Maximum: 12 Platinum passes
Regular Tuition: $697.00 USD per person on/afterMay 01, 2009
Platinum Level Guests: $995 on/after May 01, 2009
Platinum Level Guests receive:
VIP seating
Free CD-set "Trust the Process" and "Monetize your Ideas"
Free book "Live every day Motivated, Successful & Happy", co-authored by Darren Jacklin
Networking lunches with Darren Jacklin on Saturday and Sunday
VIP dinner and private workshop with Darren Jacklin on 2nd June, 2009 5:00pm to 9:00pm, includes a round table Mastermind discussion of how to grow your business .
PlatinumLevel also entitles you to the unprecedented opportunity to network personally with Darren Jacklin and Platinum Level members, as well as Darren Jacklin'smassive network of people around the world.
The Idea Party Events
Founder & Master Facilitator - Darren Jacklin
Darren Jacklin is called a Mega Manifestor. Tell Darren what you really, really, REALLY want in your personal or professional life and he can show you how to get it!
Darren manifested a multi-million dollar Mansion and lived in it rent-free for ten months. He has manifested his clothing wardrobe. He has helped people to manifest dream jobs, relationships, cars, business success, a honeymoon, and much more. For more than a decade, Darren has traveled the planet and dedicated his life to discovering the most advanced principles for producing accelerated change.
As world-class professional speaker, corporate trainer, and author he has motivated and inspired personnel from more than 130 Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft, AT&T, Black & Decker, Barclays Bank, Air Canada, and high school and professional athletes from more than 36 countries. His goal is to increase performance and production and to achieve more rounded, successful lives through a cooperative environment.
Darren's humanitarian efforts have lead him to join forces with his friend Caleb Espinoza, to found a unique educational project in Peru. Along with a small, dedicated team, they are currently working arduously to establish a non-profit organization that will build a higher education center in the central region of Peru. The project will be complete by Thursday, March 01, 2012.
Darren is committed to personally impacting more than 100 million people's lives per month by teaching people to achieve greatness in their lives, living life to the fullest and manifesting their dreams.
Watch a video clip of Darren presenting to a group of Fortune 500 executives by typing the link in your browser:
Here is what some people are saying about The Idea Party Event:
Darren's Idea Party Events are life changing be there!"
April Martin,Mukilteo, Washington USA
"If you get just one idea or meet one new person it is well worth your time.I got several of both."
Mr. Terry Tillaart, MBA,Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"I came to an Idea Party Event not knowing what to expect with an idea that had been withme for a couple of years. Even though I believed in my idea, I was a little scared about sharingit with people who I did not know personally. I was also a little excited because I knew thatthis event came into my life at the right time and for the right reason. I felt like a student presenting an idea to the class. After presenting my idea, I was bombarded with questions.It was amazing, all these great questions that I hadn't even asked myself yet! The brainstorming session increased my resolve and confidence in the idea. Seeing the others present theirideas also motivated me to act on my own idea.
Every one of us has had an idea that with a little help could come to fruition, and this isexactly what an Idea Party Event is about: answers to your questions, solutions to your problems, and motivation for your actions in a great atmosphere that is also wonderfulfor establishing connections and friendships. Whether you are a layman, or a professional,I highly recommend an Idea Party Event to you."
Jag Basran,Business Owner, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
"I attended an Idea Party Event put on by Darren Jacklin and I was blown away by how easyit is to make anyone's dream come true. Darren truly is a master of manifestation. In a matterof a few hours I saw Darren help people make their life long dreams come to an immediate reality. His technique is quite amazing because he shows us how easy it is to network withothers and really become clear with what we want in life... Since attending your Idea Party Event my business has now expanded from just another Bed and Breakfast on theSunshine Coast, to a full service Retreat Center that offers holistic workshops, private business getaways, shamanic ceremonies, and all-inclusive men and women's retreats. Darren, keepon doing exactly what you do as it helps our planet shifting in so many positive ways."
Chris Fletcher, Owner/Operator,Halfmoon Haven Beachfront Retreat & Spa, Halfmoon Bay, Canada
"Darren Jacklin and The Idea Party Event changed my life. I attended the Idea Party Event with my wife because she asked me to go with her. I had no idea what I was getting myselfinto, and I did not really want to be there. As the time went by, I became more and more interested, and I found myself participating and enjoying myself. By the end of the day, I notonly had a goal that I wanted to achieve, I also gained something I have never really had before.I suddenly had passion and excitement in my life, and I believe I also discovered my lifepurpose that day. Darren Jacklin and the Idea Party Event helped me to focus on whatwas really important to me, and helped bring to the surface the passion and excitement thatwas inside me all along. I was too caught up in my daily grind to realize it on my own.Also, a big part of me had always believed my true goal in life would never be achievable sowhy bother even thinking about it. Darren Jacklin showed me that it is indeed possible to achieve my dreams and goals. I have since created an action plan on how to achieve my goals andI am well on my way to having my dreams come true."
Fran Mawson,Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
"Every entrepreneur experiences "Aha" moments along the way as they developand grow their skills. For me, The Idea Party Event was one of those moments.I've taken Darren's teachings and after implementing them in my business and life, Ihave manifested amazing success and opportunities. Less than six months from myfirst Idea Party Event, here I am planning my retirement andFinancial Freedom Party for later this year."
Mr. Jeff Schneider, Director,Building Better Communities Fundraising Initiative,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
"Think of a man who is fun, interesting and interested; who lives in integrity - courageously going for what he wants. Driven by his passion to make a real difference to many he stopsat nothing to achieve his vision. This is Darren Jacklin and his contribution, support and love have helped me attract beautiful life transforming situations I'd never expected or envisaged.I cannot promote him highly enough!"
Nyali Muir,London, England UK
"I am 61 years old and have been in the workforce since 1965. This course provesyou can teach an old dog new tricks."
D. Horner,Thornbury, Ontario, Canada
Organized by The Idea Party Events CompanyClient Care Services
1.415.592.0356 Office
1.888.423.5932 Toll-Freein Canada/USA
Ticket Info: - The BIG Idea Party Event, $504.95
- The BIG Idea Party Event Platinum Level (max. 12 guests), $795.00
Official Website: http://singaporeideapartyevent-upcoming.eventbrite.com