Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Tired of being stuck or stressed? Ready for results? Then get ready for the motivational event of the year for small business & sales professionals! Get GO BIG!
Join us for this highly anticipated event designed to help your business get motivated and get moving again. We have assembled an amazing lineup of speakers, who are small business owners just like you, with one goal in mind: to help create ideas, inspiration and income for your business.
Hear powerful, passionate success stories from people that have created massive results during these tough times. No showing off & no selling from the stage. Just real peoplesharing real resultsthat really care.
Get Motivated! find the inspiration & energy in your business again
Get Moving! how to start or restart the right strategy & activity
Get Results! committing to & creating your business breakthrough
We hope you will join us as we celebrate the success of our small business community...with a little bit of swagger!
Get Registered!
Tickets start at just $10.
Register online at http://www.GoBIGCompany.comor Call 800.745.3604
11.17.11 -Doors open @ 6pm
The California Museum -Sacramento, CA
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 4, 2011