9797 W. Colfax Ave.
Lakewood, Colorado 80215

This is a family friendly, heart warming Christmas tale about the Herdmans, who are the meanest, nastiest family of six unruly siblings in town. They'll ruin the Christmas Pageant for sure ... or will they?
The Herdmans are six awful kids and one stressed-out cat, all prone to mischief of the worst kind. Like the time they set fire to Fred Shoemaker's tool house while playing with a stolen chemistry set, or when Claude Herdman emptied the whole first grade in three minutes flat when he took the cat to Show-and Tell.
The Herdman kids attend Sunday school only because they think they'll get to eat cake there. Once Christmas pageant plans begin, they intimidate all the other children into letting them volunteer for the biggest parts. When the town reacts with horror to the news that the most ill behaved children will be playing the holiest roles, the pageant director becomes even more determined to make it work.

Reserve your tickets now.
Call 303-232-0363 or go online to www.theeproject.org

Official Website: http://www.theeproject.org

Added by emblackdiamonds on December 10, 2008

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