"Fill your life with beauty by connecting with others"
Connecting with others can be as enchanting as looking through a kaleidoscope. The pieces that make a kaleidoscope serve as a metaphor to networking. Read our blog for more details about The Beauty of Connecting at http://wp.me/p2Bf9p-aM.
Join us at our next happy hour networking event to create beautiful connections!!!
What to Expect:
Expect to be greeted by the event organizer and introduced to others
There will be a 50/50 raffle to win cash and other prizes!!! Bring cash if you want to join in on the festivities.
Meet individuals from various career paths
Engage in conversations of all topics (not just work)
Bring your business cards to stay in contact with others
Most of us are coming to network directly from work. We will still be in business attire. Suits and ties are not expected but T-shirts and flip flops are inappropriate.
Try new food, beverages, and visit familiar/unfamiliar venues
Relax and smile - We are making connections not interviewing
Added by ATLepicure on October 24, 2012