A three-part series workshop will be offered at Slji Zen Center on three consecutive Saturdays starting on September 8th, September 15th and September 22nd from 10:00AM-11:30AM. Part I Right Practice Sept. 8th Part II Right Attitude Sept. 15th Part III Right Understanding Sept. 22nd. This series of instructions is designed to provide an overview of Mediation and Zen Practice. Sensei Jules Shuzen Harris of Soji Zen Center who has been practicing Zen Buddhism for 30 years will be leading these workshops. If you are new to Meditation and Zen Practice or even a seasoned practitioner, use this opportunity to explore and expand the many ways you can use this practice to free your mind. Pre-registration required: E-mail:registrar@sojizencenter.com or call 215-242-1750. 3-part Series $60; $50 paid in advance. Onsite registration: $25 per class
Added by Linda Bundick on August 3, 2012