Added by Upcoming Robot on June 14, 2008
Hey Sean,
It's strangely coincidental to see your comment given that just yesterday I met another co-founder of STIRR, Sanford Barr, at the Netsquared event.
Thanks for the clarification, I didn't by any means imply that the winning team automatically gets a place at STIRR or any other event. I meant that I'll try to get the winning team a chance to do so by helping them put together an application that has what it takes to get a spot at such events. And this, as you rightly mentioned, requires more than 15 minutes of work!
I hope I see you and Sanford at the event brainstorming away in one of the teams, or grilling some team down to earth in the Q&A sessions!
Alexander Pagidas
Idea Contest 2.0, Founder.
Great idea, bravo. I'll be out of town for this one but would love to join in if there's another.
Hello everybody,
First of all, thanks for those who have signed up. Those who haven't, go ahead and sign up! We now have 51 members but only 37 have RSVPed. Whoever hasn't RSVPed please do so as soon as possible. For those who have RSVPed I need to know who's *really* coming. So I want all the "Maybes" to change to either "Yes" or "No" by SUNDAY. And please, don't flake at the last minute. If a couple of minutes before the event flossing your neighbor's dog could become a higher priority you might as well RSVP "No" from now.
About the Venues:
If we are going to be under 25 then we can use the office space of a member who so generously offered to help out, which is located on Brannan and 2nd street. If we are going to be over 25 I have made auxiliary arrangements for another venue on 3rd St. and Townsend. This venue is a restaurant and we're going to have it all to ourselves. There's going to be free food (sponsored by myself unless I find a sponsor) but you'd have to pay for your drinks. Remember, I need to know by SUNDAY whether we'll be over 25 because Monday morning the restaurant owner wants an answer.
Now there is a possibility that Adobe/Macromedia (on Townsend and 7th) will host us due to a connection I made recently. If that happens and we are under 25 persons I'll probably decline because it would be quite embarrassing showing up at Adobe HQ with 3-5 of my friends and claiming we are the "event".
Smile you're on Camera.
If we are more than 25 I will be hiring a production group to film the event.
Twice as cool as the 12 Monkeys:
There will be 24 Monkeys joining us at the event ( They will be distributed to the participants in order to be launched at any team that exceeds their time limit. Please don't bring your own monkey.
60 Second Soap Box
At the end of the event any participant will have the opportunity to present an idea, ask for people that would like work on it, ask for a job, ask for employees or say anything he/she damn well pleases. Karaoke equipment will not be present at the event - but you can bring your own. Excruciating singers will be generously rewarded with flying Monkeys and Sonic Grenades (
More details about the event's structure can be found here:
If anyone has any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to email me.
Don't forget, RSVP till SUNDAY. No Maybes!
See you soon,
Alexander Pagidas.
Just to clarify for anyone participating here: STIRR presenters must fill out an application form and go through the culling process like everyone else has in the past. You may be able to brainstorm an idea in 15 minutes, but to even be considered to present at STIRR, you will have had to put a few months of work into your new venture and have something to show for it.
I applaud your efforts to drive innovation, however. Good luck with your event.
--Sean Ness
STIRR Co-Founder