Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival, featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year. With maverick innovations such as Asian Multimedia Entertainment Network (AMEN, it's 24/7, Asian fan/otaku-centric online broadcasting & social network), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.
TAKII 9 ~Yume Ga Kanau (Dreams Come True)~ touches down in Philly, PA at The Rotunda on May 29th-30th, 2010. Timeless TAKII classic festivities have been fused with new & innovative events, producing interactive spectacles such as “Yaoi/Yuri YOWZA! (feat. Capcom Showdown SmackDown!)”, the “TAKII 9 Show (feat. AMEN Talent Showcase”), “Makenai: Fusion Charity Benefit Concert (feat. Project DATTE Awards Recipients)”, & countless more. Just as dreams take flight with the power of friendship & love, let us focus those same energies on having the most explosive, provocative season of The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational yet. All you have to do is remember TAKII 9’s theme, “yume ga kanau (dreams come true)”….forever….for always….for you!!
Official Website: http://takii.pdnmz.com
Added by kenaiyochan on May 18, 2010
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - How Sweet The Sights & Sounds: TAKII 9 ~Yume Ga Kanau~ Formally Announces Its "TLO Video Lounge" Screenings & "Vid Game Tourney" Battle Line-Up!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=29
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - To Infinite Extremes & Beyond: The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational (TAKII) 9 ~Yume Ga Kanau (Dreams Come True)~ Is Announced & Fast Approaches!!!!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=12