What is an Ascended Master? Did they all live human lives? What is the significance of Jesus & Mary Magdalene today? What is their Ascended Master names? Who is Maitreya? What is the White Brotherhood & White Sisterhood? Paramahansa Yogananda & The Council of Sages? What are Mystery Schools? Why SECRETS are no more? What dimension do the Ascended Masters live in? St. Germain, the Violet Flame & how to use it? Who is Sanat Kumara? Afra, Ascended Master of Africa, is special why? Kwan Yin, Goddess of Compassion. How do you contact them? Do you have an Ascended Master as a guide? Judy will channel an Ascended Master message for each person in the class.
Judy Cali has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters & Angels since 3 years of age. She was asked by The Ascended Master of Healing, Hilarion, to go public 8 years ago. She receives a whole picture of you thru seeing, feeling, hearing & knowing about your soul. Her intuitive readings bring forth what is most important for you to know at this time in your life. All is in alignment with your highest wisdom & highest good. She is able to share with you who your Guardian Angels & Guides are, talk to your family in spirit & share with you past life details most relavent to your current life. Judy's messages are always delivered thru a Sacred Heart of Love.
Official Website: http://www.dancinglightschool.org
Added by Dr. Debra Savitt on February 24, 2009