776 Haight St
San Francisco, California 94117

This is a weekly group of moms and moms to be coming together to create art, writing, and film projects that chronicles our transformation and journey to motherhood. Creative coaching, inspirational guides, guest lectures, and artistic prompts, exhibition and writing opportunities, and creative meditation are all a part of this series. This is a great way to find community support and connection with other moms, chronicle your experiences and emotions through pregnancy and motherhood by journalling, video, and art making. Each class will encourage creating art, self-portraiture, belly casts, video art, and performance as an expression and celebration of our emotional and psychological changes during and after pregnancy. Free w/ RSVP at feminapotens@gmail.com.

Official Website: http://feminapotens.org

Added by Creatrix Tiara on August 1, 2011

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