87 Perkins Row
Topsfield, Massachusetts 01983

Join watercolorist Brenda Sloane in a monthly program that combines nature and art. We will start with a walk on the sanctuary to observe the topic of the month. We will then return to the Nature Center to create a follow-up work of art. Sign up for one or more of these classes. - - The Forested Landscape: January 22 - We will learn about the past by looking at the present landscape at the sanctuary, and then create a special-effects watercolor painting of rock walls using plastic wrap and aluminum foil. - - Animal Tracks: February 5 - We will take a closer look at mammal tracks, followed by the creation of a watercolor painting of a favorite animal, combining wet-on-wet, pen-and-ink, and wet-on-dry techniques. - - Sugaring Off: February 19 - Learn about the sugaring process, then paint a still life watercolor illustrating the equipment used, all under incandescent light. - - Signs of Spring: April 9 - We will explore the sanctuary to observe the seasonal changes from winter to spring, and then return to our "drawing boards" to create a watercolor of our findings. Registration is required. Call 978-887-9264 for details. See http://www.massaudubon.org/catalog/listing.php?program_code=1278-IP11WI1 for more information.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 6, 2011