Who: Art Mineo, Mr. Music in Tacoma at The Coney Island Room of The New Yorker nightclub in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. He wrote the futuristic music played in Bubbleator at the Seattle World’s Fair. In addition he has worked with Paul Whiteman, Skitch Henderson, Corky Corcoran and many other names of the Big Band era.
What: An evening of music and storytelling. Barry Johnson, voice and opera instructor at Pacific Lutheran University, who occasionally performs and directs with the Tacoma Opera, will select arias and choose local singers to perform. He will also direct the musical portions of the evening.
Why: Long a Tacoma institution, Art Mineo, 87, retired from performing many years ago, but continued to write music. He finally began writing operas in the 1980s and 90s and has completed five.
When: February 19, 2008 at 7:30 PM there will be an evening of entertainment featuring Art Mineo’s music compositions and arrangements.
Where: The Art of Music will be a one-night performance at the Tacoma Musical Playhouse – 7116 6th Avenue, Tacoma.
Official Website: http://www.artmineo.com
Added by trainingmedia on January 13, 2009