3815 Westerman
Houston, Texas

The Art of Living "YES PLUS Workshop" in Central Houston.

What is yesplus?

1.Living with confidence and a sense of purpose, free from stress, fear, and anxiety

2.Solving problems in the world

3.Having a good time

4.Understanding ourselves in a deeper way

Everyone understands their enlightened side differently. For one person it’s the side that

can take a final without stress, for someone else it’s about re-connecting with a level of

freedom experienced only as a kid, and for a third person it means taking responsibility for

the world around them. When we are in touch with our enlightened side we are happy, we are

in the moment, and we naturally want to help others get there too. This is the basis of


yesplus workshops help you live in your enlightened side
Temporary happiness is easy, we can get that through a number of experiences, people, and

even substances. But how do we stay in that place, how do we build on it, and achieve

sustainable happiness? That is where the yesplus workshop comes in.

yesplus projects are a natural expression of living with sustainable happiness
When you feel better, you feel more connected to the world around you. When you become more

aware, you see what is going on and want to do your part. Graduates of the workshop take

responsibility for fixing some big problems happening right now in the world, and you can do

the same.

See below Video for the workshop.

When: December 10th – 13th'2010

Where: 3815 Westerman
Houston, TX 77005

Visit the following link to register online:


For more information on Yes Plus Course, please contact:

Amit Nair, amit.nair@artofliving.org, 713-504-4911
Vivek Rajan, Vrajan@gmail.com, 713-480-6799

Added by soujanya_aol on November 25, 2010

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