2370 Walsh Ave, Suite A
Santa Clara, California 95051

"Health is .. a disease-free body, a quiver-free breath, a stress-free mind, an inhibition-free intellect, an obsession-free memory, an ego that includes all, a soul that is free from sorrow.." -H.H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

You are invited this fall to learn the Sudarshan Kriya Yoga, patterned breathing leading to the Yoga of mind,body and soul to control emotions, reduce stress and improve overall 'Health'.

Dates: Nov 5 - Nov 9 and Nov. 24 - Nov 28
Timings: Weekend 10AM - 2PM, Weekdays 7:00PM to 10:00PM
Where: Santa Clara AoL Center, 2370A Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051
Cost: $250
Contact: 408-365-4AOL, santaclara@us.artofliving.org
Registration Link:


Key features of the course:

* The Sudarshan Kriya
* Stretching and low-impact yoga: for health, circulation, and physical well-being.
* Guided meditation and breathing techniques: that increase energy and deeply relax the body and mind.
* Skills for handling negative emotions and situations.
* Practical wisdom for improving focus at work and harmony in relationships.
* Guided interactive processes ... lots of fun.

Medical Findings:

Research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals has verified many of the experiences that participants commonly report:
• Reduce stress levels (reduced cortisol, the “stress hormone”)
• Benefit the immune system
• Relieve anxiety, PTSD, and depression (mild, moderate, and severe)
• Increase NK (cancer destroying) cells
• Enhance health and well-being

More information @ http://us.artofliving.org/art-of-living-course/index.html
MSNBC Coverage: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2458549318491879355

Added by aoloutreach2370 on November 3, 2010

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