Art of Living Courses Lead to Relaxation, Alertness & Focused in the Midst of Dynamic Actions.
Janael McQueen is one of the most senior teachers of the Art of Living Foundation, Over the past 19 years, she has touched thousands of lives in the US, Canada, India, South America and Europe, conducting Art of Living Courses and Art of Living Teacher Training courses. She will lead two courses in Orlando in June, the Art of Living and the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Courses.
Janael personifies peace. Her loving presence adds a unique flavor to each course. She takes special care of each individual to ensure each gets maximum benefit. She will give each participant a great opportunity to rediscover the joy and peace that lie within.
The Art of Living Course is an effective program that can empower anyone to experience their full life potential. Already enjoyed by people of all backgrounds and traditions, the course offers you practical tools to eliminate stress and awaken our innate potential to heal ourselves.
The Art of Living Foundation was created by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 25 years ago and celebrated its Silver Jubilee at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. on March 28th of 2007:
Along with its sister organization, the Association for Human Values (IAHV), AOLF is actively involved in providing free trauma relief in various war torn and natural disaster struck areas.
The Foundation most recent work is ongoing on VTech’s campus during the aftermath of that tragedy. AOLF’s volunteers led several free trauma relief courses within a few days of this catastrophe with continuing weekly followup and initiating new workshops for more students, faculty and staff members.
AOL Course will take place in Orlando between July 12th to July 17th, 2007, Weekdays: 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Weekend: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Register Online:
The Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Course will be from July 14th to 18th, 2007, Weekend: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM, July 18th, 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
Sahaj means natural, effortless and Samadhi is a deep meditative state of mind. Sahaj Samadhi is exactly that - a natural, effortless system of meditation that allows the conscious mind to settle deeply into the self, thus giving it much needed deep rest.
When the mind settles down it releases all tension and stress and centers itself into the present moment. It is only in the present moment - those moments when the mind is free from regrets about the past, and anxiety about the future - that one finds true happiness. In just a few sessions you will learn to tap the depths of your own nature.
The Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Course is very easy and enjoyable and regular daily practice can totally transform the quality of your life.
Register Online:
Call 1-877-AOL-FLORIDA or email or go for local information here:
*** All proceeds from these Courses benefit the AOLF to provide free stress and trauma relief in war-torn and natural and other disaster struck areas.
Discounted Fees for both courses available for Students & Seniors [65 years old and greater].
Official Website:
Added by ArtofLiving on May 23, 2007