Florida, ALL

The ultimate goal of your landing page is not to inform, but to persuade. You have seconds to capture your visitor’s attention, and persuade them to convert. Persuasion is an art—luckily, it’s an art that can be learned and easily applied to boost your conversion rates.

Join us on June 30th at 1pm ET as we uncover:

-What’s persuasive, and what’s a big turn off for your visitors

-How much copy and content is too much, and how much is not enough

-How to think ‘big picture’ without losing sight of the details that matter most

-Proven persuasion techniques that can be applied to your landing pages today

Learn all of this and much more! Just register for our webinar today!

Official Website: http://www.ioninteractive.com/live-webinars/the-art-of-landing-page-persuasion-better-results-higher-roi.html

Added by ion_interactive on June 10, 2010

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