Workshop / Brunch by Beverley Zabriskie, Jungian AnalystEmotion is an art, and art expresses and evokesemotion. The workshop will explore the mindbrain-body continuum from which we makeand respond to art and the process by whichart mirrors us and we mirror ourselves in art.We will discuss endogenesis of images, mirrorneurons, and psychological coding of facialexpressions. Psyche expresses itself in art, and artexpresses, enhances, expands, the experience ofthe felt life. A complex is an image of a psychicsituation, strongly accentuated emotionally, withpowerful inner coherence. Dreams attempt to reestablishpsychic equilibrium by restoring imagesand emotions that express the whole personality.
Beverley Zabriskie is a Jungian Analyst in New YorkCity. A founding member and President of the JungianPsychoanalytic Association. she is an Assistant Editor ofthe Journal of Analytical Psychology, and PsychoanalyticEducator of the Year for 2002. Her 50 publications includeA Meeting of Rare Minds, The Preface to Atom andArchetype, The Pauli-Jung Correspondence.
Organized by Center for Jungian Studies of South FloridaThe Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida, Inc. is a non-profit educational association that serves licensed mental health professionals and the greater community by fostering the study of the psychology of Carl G. Jung. The Center presents educational services including lectures, seminars, discussions and workshops to address the psychological, social and spiritual issues of our time while providing a forum for personal reflection and development.
For more information:
Call the Centers Message Phone:954-525-4682
Ticket Info: - Attendee, $51.25
- Atendee + 3 CEU, $59.45
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