100 Wildwood Way
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110

The National Scenic Appalachian Trail runs 2,175 miles from Maine to Georgia and is readily accessible to residents here in south-central PA. In 2006, local naturalist, Lorrie Preston, (Trail name "Shutterbug"), started section-hiking the trail through PA with the local Susquehanna Appalachian Trail Club, and has now hiked nearly 1,000 miles of the trail, including the very rugged White Mountains in New Hampshire. Lorrie will share images of trailside flora and fauna; including wildflowers through the seasons, birds, and other jewels of nature, as well as vistas and trail highlights which delight and inspire this middle-aged hiker. Also, learn where you can easily access the trail in our area for your own adventure.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 4, 2010