Learn more about The APOE Gene Diet - An integrative medicine SOLUTION for obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol as well as heart, Alzheimer's and chronic illness.
* The APOE gene predicts tendency to medical conditions.
* "The APOE Gene Diet" is different than other diets.
* Integrative medicine is an important solution to chronic illness.
* Case studies show reduction in weight and illness.
Ms. Pamela McDonald, NP, author of "The APOE Gene Diet" book has 28 years experience and many qualifications including integrative medical training with Dr. Andres Weil, University of Arizona. Book signing will follow seminar and discussion. See the website at www.apoegenediet.com, or call (925) 736-8510 for more information.
Bay Area patient reports on the APOE Gene Diet:
Within less than a year on the APO E Gene Diet program, I reduced my cholesterol by 20%, lowered my weight by 15%, dropped my body fat by 10%, and eliminated hypertension. Thanks to the APO E Gene Diet - I have completed a 100% health makeover.
For event registration, call The Elks Lodge (925) 455-8829 at least 2 days prior to dinner. Members $16 for dinner. Nonmembers $17 for dinner. Advance registration required.
Friday September 12, 2008 at 7:15pm
ELK's LODGE Livermore-Pleasanton, CA No. 2117
940 Larkspur Dr, Livermore CA 94551-1424
Pre-registration required, dinner. $16.00 members, $17.00 nonmembers. To pre-register, call Elks Lodge (925) 455-8829 at least 2 days prior.
Official Website: http://www.elks.org/lodges/home.cfm?LodgeNumber=2117
Added by FullCalendar on September 4, 2008