4501 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 77024

Qigong is an ancient Chinese system of breathing exercises, body postures and movements, and meditations intended to benefit both physical and mental health. The Houston Arboretum will be holding several class sessions, led by an instructor with over 30 years of experience. Class sessions are on August 16, September 6, and September 20 from 6 to 7 p.m. Classes are held outside as weather conditions permit. During summer and inclement weather, classes are held inside the Arboretum building.

For more information and a link to register, visit www.houstonarboretum.org/qigong.asp or call Registrar Carol Taylor at 7133660421. For more info on fun events like these in Houston, visit www.LTBaehr.com.

Added by LBPR on August 3, 2011