Added by Upcoming Robot on August 25, 2007
brilliant - looking forward to this!
@MarryAnneDavis As far as I understand it, this is really a networking event for London communities, so doubt if it would be particularly interesting for someone this far outside of London.
I'm interested!
@cbetta I think it's interesting to anyone who is interested in how we extend and amplify the networks we already have :) The event itself may be focusing on communities across the UK (*not* just London networks), but the model its exploring is an important one within and outside of culture, tech & the UK.
Hopefully on the day it will all be streamed live with theammobox that i have sent to london yesterday.
Watch @philcampbell (twitter) for announcements of the url for the day.
hmmm, love to attend from the US, but that is Thanksgiving here. Bit of big family todo. Will there be online participation possible? On Twitter, in 2nd life, whatever? Well done and look forward to staying abreast.