Ajaxian.com's The Ajax Experience returns to Boston, MA, September 29 - October 1.
Day One features Ajax tutorials and the Ajaxian Framework Summit. New this year, the framework summit brings together framework founders and contributors to go in-depth on working with and contributing to their frameworks (jQuery, Dojo and Prototype). Get important insight, and ask questions to those who really know the answer.
Tracks at The Ajax Experience include:
Design & Effects
Case Studies
Don't Miss:
'Top 10 Cross-Browser Issues' with ppk of Quirksmode.org. With representatives from each major Ajax framework on stage, ppk will explore the top 10 cross-browser issuea and how each framework addresses them.
Ask the Experts panel with Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript; Douglas Crockford, creator of JSON and author of 'JavaScript: The Good Parts'; and John Resig (jQuery); Sam Stephenson (Prototype); Dylann Schiemann (Dojo).
Exclusive keynote from Brendan Eich about JavaScript and the state of the browsers.
See the conference agenda: http://ajaxexperience.techtarget.com/east/html/eventsataglance.html
Official Website: http://ajaxexperience.techtarget.com/east/index.html
Added by BugTwo8 on July 25, 2008