The Advertising 2.0 Party at ad:tech sf.
We're going to mashup a little Web 2.0 with the advertising companies at ad:tech SF and call it a good time.
This is the official ad:tech afterparty for Tuesday April 21.
At 8:30p, hop on over 1/2 a block to Hotel W *after* the evening’s events at Moscone Center West:
* ad:tech/SF BIG (6:30-8:30p)
* Affiliate Marketing Networking Party (5:30-7:30p)
Join Co-hosts and VIPs:
* Marissa Louie - CEO of AD-Village
* Aaron Sahagun - CEO of Alumwire
* Amanda Coolong – CEO of Beta PR
* Efren Toscano – CEO of Techzulu
* Julian Brass – CEO of Notable.TV
* Kamal Ravikant – Angel Investor
* Khris Loux – CEO of JS-Kit
* Kym McNicholas – Reporter, Forbes TV
* Shawn Collins – Founder of Affiliate Summit
* Steve Hall – Founder of Adrants and Adgabber
* Tom Bedecarre - CEO of AKQA
* Tom Foremski – SiliconValleyWatcher, ZDNet, and former Financial Times columnist
Platinum Sponsor:
* Sun Startup Essentials: Jumpstart your startup
Gold Sponsors:
* AD-Village: Access to high-paying ads across top ad networks
* JS-Kit: Rich, interactive features for your website
* Skittles: Transplant the Rainbow (Skittles, anyone??)
Media Sponsors:
* ad:tech (Official ad:tech blog writeup by Steve Hall from Adrants is here)
* Adrants
* Affiliate Marketing Summit
* Techzulu
Badged ad:tech SF attendees only, please. Non-attendees, please add yourself to the waitlist.
To see the latest info, please see the Facebook event page:
Official Website:
Added by malouie on April 11, 2009